Schemata Game 1.5 - True-False
Schemata Game 1.5: True/False
LED, sound, oil prints on wall, text on paper. 2008
Text for Sound Component of "T/F" With Accompanying Answers
Greetings participants. This is a game not of chance but of opportunity. The opportunity to distinguish true from false. Not chance at all. For to say that truth is chance is to weakly echo Sartre and to make a mockery of that muscular freedom doctrine positing existence before essence.
So, deliberately, quite deliberately, press your right foot down when you believe my statement to be true and the left foot when it is false. It is voting with your feet, yes, yes it is. When there is a pause, then vote. A friend can keep track of your score; the correct answers are located on the website and at the gallery's front desk. Anyone with 90% or above gets a free bit or bob.
Now. It is false that Giotto was a fourteenth century artist [TRUE] but it is nevertheless true that he influenced the course of the Renaissance. [FALSE] It was his friendship with Michaelangelo that was thought to be most providential [FALSE] especially their weekly discussions with the Socratic friends of NAMBLA. [FALSE] Their basic ontological concerns were whether the muscular structure overlaying the female tibia was increased while trying to escape the Garden of Eden [FALSE] though they were unfairly charged with promoting the anthropomorphizing of aged yet still attractive male deities. [FALSE]
What is crucial in the history though is the recognition that humans ought to look more like humans [TRUE] and in this Giotto's role is central in its efforts to give physical volume and human emotion to the subjects of his paintings. [TRUE] for example, the father in the Wedding Procession is not laughing as this seminal wedding was the first to establish the now long-held practice of the bride's family paying for the wedding itself leaving the groom's to pay for the night before with all the associative cows and goats. [FALSE] that was called the bachelor party. [FALSE] The bride is also rather suggestively ballooned, again a break from the schematic abstraction of Byzantine and instead a vote for the girls-will-be-girls of the Renaissance. [FALSE].
But Giotto cannot be valued only retroactively based on his influence to succeeding generations. Art is valued for more essentialist, non-historical reasons such as its ability to affect the GNP as Giotto's career was reported to have spurred a run on pictures of pregnant brides and increasing the wealth of Tuscany over Bay Ridge [FALSE] Since this was a mere two years after the black plague of 1347 [FALSE ] where those 3 in 4 Europeans who happened to escape were luckily more wealthy than the 1 in 4 who died. [FALSE]. The black plague, as you might remember, was spread by rats who were carrying fleas who'd had their heads infected by apostate mites returning from Palestine with the earlier children's crusades [FALSE] and it was the descendents of those very same fleas, now made strong through the Darwinian process, who were famously bred by King Charles I for Europe's first flea circus. [FALSE] Hence, bin Laden's current complaint. [FALSE]
But I digress. The art, back to the art. It has been American scholarship that has established beyond proof the falsity of its own basic claim: that life without art is indistinguishable from life with art (this research was kindly edited by the semioticians and causal confusionists of the Parisian verbalists untion) [FALSE] It was established that, like the little boy pissing into his own mouth, recyclable art history is not vitamin deficient [TRUE] It is, rather, not only a renewable source but the perfect example of a sustainable ecosystem. [TRUE]
British Voice: This moment in history was brought to you by/ the moment in history was/ it was brought to you / moment in history was brought to/ the moment
T/F in List Form: